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Marijuana, also known as cannabis, has a long and complex history dating back thousands of years.


The use of marijuana for both medicinal and recreational purposes has been recorded in numerous cultures throughout history, including ancient China, India, Egypt, and Greece.

The use of marijuana buds specifically, also known as flower, has likely been in practice since the plant was first cultivated for human consumption.  The flowers of the female cannabis plant contain the highest concentrations of cannabinoids, the compounds responsible for the plant's psychoactive and medicinal effects.

In the United States, marijuana use was largely unregulated until the early 20th century.  In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act effectively banned the production, sale, and use of cannabis.  This led to a decline in the use of marijuana buds and an increase in the use of other forms of the plant, such as hashish and marijuana cigarettes.

In the 1960s and 70s, marijuana buds regained popularity in the United States as part of the counterculture movement.  This led to increased cultivation of the plant and the development of new strains with higher concentrations of cannabinoids.

Today, marijuana buds are legal for medical or recreational use in many parts of the world, including several US states and countries such as Canada and Uruguay.  The use and cultivation of marijuana buds continue to be a topic of debate and controversy in many places.


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